COVID19 How To Protect Yourself And Others

How To Protect Yourself And Others In Pearland July 2020

To our Pearland community and Back To Basic family, we would like to share a few quick reminders as we embark on striving to adapt to the change caused by the pandemic.  These items should not only be practiced at home but during the course of the day in any environment to keep you and others safe.

COVID19 How To Protect Yourself And Others

1. Wash your hands often
2. Avoid close contact
3. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth face cover
4. Cover your coughs and sneezes
5. Clean and disinfect consistently

1. Wash your hands often

Especially if you’ve been exposed outside, washing your hands with soap is the most important thing you need to remember. When washing your hands with soap and water, do this for at least 20 seconds. Washing your hands is proven to prevent any germs that could infect you from the COVID-19 virus, specifically after being outside. If you’re inside but you have a family member that came from the outside, it’s still a good preventive measure to constantly wash your hands with water and soap every now and then. If you find that you have no soap and water, you can use a hand sanitizer instead but make sure it consists of at least 60% alcohol.

2. Avoid close contact

Social distancing is one of the most important preventive measures to keep both yourself and the people you love safe from the COVID-19 virus. Unless needed, you need to stay safe by staying at home and avoiding non-essential travel. Even if you don’t possess the symptoms yet because of a high immune system, you can still infect others so you have to be extra careful.

3. Cover your nose and mouth with a cloth face cover

Whenever going out for groceries or other essentials, always cover your mouth and nose. If you intend on using a face mask, make sure don’t use one intended for health care workers. By covering your nose and mouth, you’re protecting yourself from getting infected from the virus and you’re protecting your family as well. It’s also not a substitute for social distancing. Social distancing is still to be observed at all times, whether or not you’re wearing a cloth face cover. You can see CDC guidelines for further details, which includes creating your own face cover.

4. Cover your coughs and sneezes

If you intend to cough or sneeze, make sure you cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and throw it in the bin afterwards. The general rule is to avoid using your hands when coughing and sneezing, and do it on your elbows instead if you don’t have a tissue with you. Afterwards, don’t forget to wash your hands with soap and water immediately for preventive measures. Your hands are one of the parts of your body most prone to be infected with virus, which is why consistent hand washing is to be observed.

5. Clean and disinfect consistently

In your home, always clean the surfaces that are most accessible such as tables, light switches, doorknobs, toilets, desks and the like. Always follow CDC guidelines to keep you and your family safe. By cleaning and disinfecting frequently, you reduce the chances of being infected by COVID-19. You never know when you might infect someone with a lower immune system with the things you come in contact with, which is why cleaning and disinfecting a significant thing to take note of if you want to keep yourself and your family safe.


At Back To Basic it is important that we continue to share viable information to keep not only our families safe but our community.  We will continue to work with our local and state agencies to make sure that we are informed during this pandemic.  We are so blessed to have served Pearland for over 25 years and look forward to continuing to serve the parents with a quality, Christian based, daycare and learning facility.  Please feel free to contact us 281-997-2061 or simply fill out the form below if you are interested in enrolling or have questions about our learning center.